Friday, 17 September 2010

Detailed Analysis of Exsisting Media;


Film Information: Directed by Christopher Hewitt, this short film represents the concept of rebirth. This piece of work made especially for F5 Film and Animation conference in New York. Contraction shows the effects of someone being brought back to life and the how it effects the immediate surroundings.


  • The title appears slowly using white text against a black background to stand out. Connoting the fade of the title to represent a heartbeat the audience can note that the short film is about a serious matter.

  • Along with the non-ambient music which sets the audience up to be confused due to its static vibe.

  • CUT close up of man, birds eye view shot as the camera slowly zooms into man's face where his eyes are wide open and his appearance is stunned.

  • During this shot the volume of the music rises as the zoom continues to emphasize what that character was hearing at that very point in the scene.

  • His eyes then blinked which lead to a CUT back to a black screen, these cuts helped breakdown the story itself to have a big impact on the receiving audience by building the tension.

  • CUT again to a point of view shot where the female character is introduced. The female character appears looking over something/one which aids the audience to continue searching for meaning of the story.

  • CUT to black screen then another point of view shot that tracks around the back of the woman to reveal the male character lying on the floor.

  • The first impression leads the audience to believe he is dead. However another CUT to an overhead shot then medium shot shows the female is about to commit to something.

  • She first appears to be kissing the male, however it then becomes apparent she is giving him the kiss of life.

  • The CUTS become more rapid as the story hits it peak and the range of different shots at this point helps establish the location.

  • The characters appear to be situated in an urban surrounding on top of a rooftop suggesting he was committed to ending his life via suicide or other.

  • The music becomes more static connoting the confusion as the audience doesn't fully understand the situation between the two characters. The change in music suggests their is a barrier between these two characters in which the audience cannot fully understand.
  • Once again the black screen could be a point of view shot from the male character unconscious and his undecided fate.
  • As the woman begins resuscitation the floor beneath him moves in synchronization to emphasize the importance of the short film.
  • The pounding on his heart is shown via the music as it grows louder as the piece hits it's peak.
  • Both characters shown by a medium overview shot.
  • Repeated twice.
  • CUT to a landscape shot where the woman's hands finally leave his chest as a sign that all could be over.
  • Music becomes pessimistic as the audience begins to see his life is finally ending.
  • Tracking shot follows her hands that run through his hair which could suggest they know each other on a personal level. Also, her facial expression follows the lines of worried/sad and almost emotionally distort.
  • She begins to shake her head in dismay.
  • CUT to a long shot continuing to establish the location.
  • CUT back to the scene as she once again begins to revive his life.
  • The floor again is mimicking his heartbeat.
  • In between pushes you hear the woman's lack of breath as her life struggles with his.
  • The static music returns as do the variety of shots (medium, overview) to build up the atmosphere.
  • CUT to black screen but returns as he jumps back to life but not without a struggle (as the music suggests)
  • Shots taken from his shoes and side track his movements back to life as he is reborn.
  • Both characters remain at the same level for the rest of the piece.
  • The music dies down at this point as the characters begin to speak with over the shoulder shots.
  • Limited script allows the audience to make their own minds up about how the story works out. 1 line - "Where did you go?" by the female character.
  • CUT to a medium long shot of the pair however you cannot see woman's face as the main focus shifts to male character. Suggests her part was not as important.
  • Male character appears in shock as he turns to the female but doesn't say a word.
  • His struggle shown with an over shoulder shot.
  • CUT black screen as music heightens
  • CUT over woman's shoulders as we see the male character reflect.
  • Music takes control of the piece.
  • The sun reflecting on to the shot hides the pair as a sign to the audience the short film is almost over.
  • The audience can still make out what is happening in the shot however.
  • The vocals are muted but hand gestures from the female character finds us understanding she is explaining what has happened over the duration of the piece.

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