A short film has a duration of 40 minutes maximum therefore cannot be categorised as a feature film. Yet the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com) draws the line at 45 minutes.
During the 1920s short films were mainly comedies, small cartoon and newsreels. The cartoons were never longer than 10 minutes and these films were part of varied programmes at local cinemas.
Charlie Chaplin was very famous for his 'Little Tramp' short films which kick started his career and many other comedians such as Laurel and Hardy also took this path to stardom.
Throughout the 1930s, a time of the Great Depression the film industry changed. Instead of a cinema manager choosing particular programmes to suit their local audience, the studios sold packages which features a main film and many supporting features around it.
Two reel shorts went into a decline with the uprise of these packages and they struggled to reach an audience once these double features came about. Changes were being made and celebrities of short films such as Laurel and Hardy moved into feature films full time after 1935 to continue in a job they love. Hal Roach in charge of both Laurel and Hardy and Our Gang moved out of short films altogether by the 1940s.
By the 1950s short films were practically dead especially with the rise of television which was an exciting experience as it was the beginning of new technology at home.
However, as we reach the 21st century the availability of websites such as vimeo, google and youtube make it possible to easily upload short videos to do with any genre at a low cost. Film makers such as Shane Meadows began with an "amateur" status using handheld camera to produce work until they become successful on the big screen. Once they make this jump the audience has high expectations of their next production.
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