Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Our Short Film Needs A Title;

In search of our Short Film title

Joe and I discussed titles for our short film today and found that we enjoyed using the method we used last year. After drawing a spider diagram of words that emphasise a car crash or bad luck we found that using the thesaurus method worked well once again. Our main words we used to search for our final line up were: Destination, Fate and Luck.

The words in BOLD are our final five.

Breaking Point
Lady Luck
Wheel of Death

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Ancillary Task- Poster Idea: Four;

Idea four has balance by giving out some elements of the plot and keeping some hidden for added suspension. By the main characters wallet being scatter across the poster it becomes obvious that it is naturalistic. Yet here we go against film conventions by not including our main character in the film poster. By doing this we create the enigma that the character could be anyone including a member of the audience. Emotions are run high in the poster itself as the audience comes to their own conclusion about what could of happen. This causes a disruption in their normal life similar to the main characters role in our short film. By doing this we attracting our audience to the short film

Ancillary Task- Poster Idea: Three;

Idea three was the least liked poster when we did audience research and I personally think that is because it is TOO simple. Usually in film poster theres a lot going off or there is a brilliant tagline that relates to all members of the audience. Even though it only shows a tyre wrapped in police tape we want our audience to feel the need to seek out the answer via watching the short film. By putting much effort and props into the poster will give away the plots final outcome. Once again the film name takes centre stage to get the highest promotion in public relation possible.

Ancillary Task- Poster Idea: Two;

Idea Two still creates the sense of mystery surrounding the final films outcome therefore we have covered part of our main characters face to hide his identity. It is arguable that we also did this so the character could be anyone therefore taking on a universal role as we aim to make our piece more personal. The layout however is rather fixed which is a disadvantage because as a group we want the short film to look natural and very realistic. As the audience will notice more or less straight away the film does encounter some danger hence the police tape. This will also make it clearer when we decide on a film certification to the violence involved. The name of the film will be very bold at the top of the poster suggesting it is important we get as much promotion possible.

Ancillary Task- Poster Idea: One;

Idea One opens the door of mysterious to our audience and creates an enigma full of possibilities. Questions raised would consist of "Why is there a man on the floor?" or "Is he dead", and even "Who is he?." Simplicity is the key here to attract our target audience to join our journey through our short film. Using photographs similar to the shots in our final piece will bring the two separate tasks together making the link. The wide road beyond our main character suggests the film involves ups and downs taking the audience with us. Contrasting his costume against conventional stereotypes, the white suggests his purity whilst his black jacket implies his rebellious characteristics. It has been made clear we want our audience to become enthralled by the poster therefore resulting in the need to watch our final film

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Music Inspiration- Remember Me; Trailer Song

Breath Me - Sia from Vanessa Paxton on Vimeo.

Breathe Me composed and written by Sia is performed using a musical combination of vocals and piano. The piece as a whole acts as extra emotion to the scene's paralleled with in Remember Me, and also Six Feet Under (US American Drama). Yet the song itself is about someone falling into a deep depression and as a result making the punishment extreme on themselves. I feel the add of a drum beat brings this piece together and emphasises its modernity. Theres something about the composion that drives the emotion in Sia's music and makes her audience feel the emotion she has written about. Whether its perfecting timing with the peak or the addition of further instruments of drums and other cymbals, one fact for sure I want to compose the ambient music in our short film so the audience feel what the actors feel.

DAY 3 FILMING: 5/12/2010;

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Music Inspiration- Shutter Island Closing Credits;

"On the nature of Daylight" from Ivan on Vimeo.

Used throughout Shutter Island including the closing credits, Max Richter's musical creation of "On the nature of daylight" connotes the film generously using acoustic such as pianos and violins to create the atmosphere of sorrow and sympathy to the main character Teddy Daniels/Andrew Laeddis who suffers from manic depression and schizophrenia. Similarly in our piece the outcome of the plot isn't clear until the final shot therefore we can use this in reference in the final evaluation.

The music we would like to create using sounds from and garage band will use a similar composition. The basic idea is have a slow piece of music which includes instruments such as violins, pianos and other acoustics. I have an idea of what the music is going to feel like to our target audience and I would like them to feel deep emotion for the piece including feelings such as remorse, rebirth and relief.